Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Apple pie

 4 eggs
2 cup sugar
500 gr.yabalki - grated
2 and 1 / 2 cup flour
1 / 2 cup vegetable oil
Baking powder 1
2 vanilla small packs
1 / 2 ts cinnamon or cocoa
200 gr.wallnuts
few crumbs
powdered sugar for sprinkling

Eggs are beaten with sugar to whiten, add flour with baking powder and finally the oil gradually until smooth. The resulting thick paste. Take a baking dish with a diameter of 30 cm, coated lightly with oil and sprinkle with bread crumbs / flour instead. 2 / 3 of dough drops a spoon / because it is too thick / evenly over bottom of pan and spread it on apples mixed with cinnamon and vanilla. On them shall be allocated the remaining batter, sprinkle nuts on top to-ground.Bake 30 minutes until 180gr.okolo redness. Still warm sprinkle with plenty of powdered sugar. Consumed as a stand

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