Freshly prepared salad will become more pungent and taste when exposed sauce made from yogurt, mixed with juice, drained 1 orange (lemon), a little mustard and chopped parsley (or other aromatic herbs) . The proportions are arbitrary, according to taste.If a salad of bitter cucumber, then cucumbers are peeled properly. The bitterness is concentrated at the tip. If you start white then, the knife will carry the bitterness over the entire cucumber. So first cut the top of the cucumber, then use Other knife to peel it.Salad of boiled potatoes while still warm, pour a few tablespoons of warm milk or a tart white wine.Prepare the salad instead of cooked with roasted beets.For guaranteed remooval small worms and insects inhabiting the folds of lettuce, vegetable should be steeped for 10-15 minutes in salted water, then rinsed in running strong.Radishes will keep longer fresh if immersed in water leaves. If you cut them as "roses" to decorate, dip them in ice cold water to "bloom".
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