Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bulgarian meatballs

In Bulgaria, meatballs are a very popular food. Consumed mainly as a main dish with lettuce, ketchup, French fries, trushiya or other furniture, and also may be served cooked with sauce as a stew or fricassee, in miniature ball version called "Constantinople meatballs", or in soup with rice , noodle or potato soup called balls.Acording to Bulgarian tradition the minced meat  for meatballs is straight (grind to a mill) from lean pork and veal in a proportion of 60 to 40. There are options with buffalo, sheep, donkey, horse and game meat. Furthermore, lean pork can be used pork fat. Bulgarian taste for meatballs without pork fat are dry. Muslims grind beef or lamb.
To the minced meat most often added wetted environment of bread, salt, ripe or green onion and egg, then the minced meat is kneaded well to not fall apart when cooking meatball. Depending on the region and add different spices like parsley, pepper, herbs and / or cumin. Depending on the recipe, the mince can add rice, potatoes or grated cheese. When frying meatballs in advance oval
in  dough.When the meatballs are  seasoned with lots of chilli, chopped red pepper, which is sold under the name "Chile" are called "Nervous meatballs".
"Tatar" balls are larger and contain melted cheese and hot pepper and sometimes mushrooms, pickles, pimento, and beer.

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